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Orders (In Progress)

This article will show you how to view customer orders from the user profile via the People Page.

Step 1 - Navigate to People Page

We need to get to the People Page, so once you're logged in, click on the People tab in the Management Menu.


Step 2 - Navigate to CustomerDesired OrdersCustomer's Profile

Once you get to the People Page, find your customer and click on their username to access their profile as was shown in Find & View a Customer Account.

Step 3 - Click Orders Tab & View

Once you're looking at the customer's profile, click the Orders tab to view their orders.


From there you'll be able to see both their completed and cancelled orders from both points of sale and online, with the most recent orders on top by default. You can use the headers to re-sort the orders by order number, total, or completion state. Clicking the header multiple times will change the column from being in descending order to ascending.


If they have a lot of orders, there may be multiple pages to click through at the bottom.


Clicking any of the order numbers will give you details of the order, including:

  • Contact email
  • Billing info
  • Phone #
  • When the order was placed/completed (date & time)
  • Order items - details include Product purchased, Unit price, Qty bought, & Product total price
  • Subtotal
  • Any Coupons applied
  • Total

An order from the Point of Sale:


A web order with coupon:


You will not have payment details here. If you need those, see Find a Customer Order.