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My Cash Drawer Won't Pop

Ensure the Cable Going to the Printer is in the Correct Port

The cable that runs from the cash drawer to the back of the printer may be in the wrong port on the printer. This one's happened a few times. The printer has an Ethernet port in the back of it for use cases where you're just hooking it up to a computer network as opposed to a computer, and the cables have similar ends.


The cable for the drawer can be jammed into it if someone is intent enough. The cable should have a little resistance before it clicks into place, but you shouldn't have to force anything. Verify it's in the rightcorrect port on the printer and give it another go.


If you move your registers around or remove these cables frequently for another reason and this happens a lot, it never hurts to stick a small piece of masking tape over the network port to send a visual cue to whoever is hooking them back up!

Reseat the Cable in the Drawer

If you're still having trouble, you can reseat the connector on the drawer, which is under the drawer.
