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Refinement & Optimization

This section contains instructions on how to expand and begin utilizing the many different capabilities of Trackside.

Editing Events & Pricing

This Book highlights how to edit your event listings and some of your ticket products once you have your event established.

Digital Waivers & Tech Form (Modified Plan feature)

*Note: This is a Modified Plan feature. If you are on a lower level plan, use of this feature may change your per-ticket usage ...

Participant Check-in (Modified Plan Feature)

Note: This is a Modified Plan feature. If you are on a lower level plan, use of this feature may change your per-ticket usage r...


This book will help you set up different types of Products and show you how to manage them once you have them listed.

E-mails & Text Messaging

This Book will cover the majority of your comms with your customer base. This will include Newsletters, SMS, and e-mail comms.

Race Control & Safety (Modified Plan Feature)

Note: This is a Modified Plan feature. If you are on a lower level plan, use of this feature may change your per-ticket usage r...

Customer Service

This book will highlight managing your customers' profiles and managing orders.

Event Cancellation

This book highlights event cancellation tools within Trackside, whether that be cancelling a full event or just a portion of yo...