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Driver Classifications

Every event is going to have different classes for drivers to participate in. In this article, we're going to establishdemonstrate a class to demonstratethe setup of classesa Driver Classification in TracksideTrackside.


Driver youClassifications canmust getbe themset addedup tobefore yourcreating event using the Event Setup Assistant.

If you've already made your event with the assistant and you needwish to add aadditional classDriver Classes to thatan existing event, see Add Driver Classifications. This article will only cover the initial establishment of classesDriver Classifications for use in those events.

Step 1 - Hover over Configuration

Once logged in, to navigate where the driver classifications are kept within Trackside, first hover over Configuration in the management menu. If you don't see the menu listed, click Manage in the top left. Alternatively for these navigation steps, you may click on the steps indicated as well. They'll just take you to a separate page where you can also click on the next step. You'll end up in the same place either way.


Step 2 - Hover over Trackside

Next, hover over the Trackside option in the Configuration menu.


Step 3 - Click on Driver Classifications

Once the Trackside menu expands, click on Driver Classifications.


Step 4 - Click Add Driver Classification

For initial Trackside setup, this list will be blank. To add your first class, or any class after, Click Add Driver Classification. This will take you to a small form to fill out for establishing your class.


Step 5 - Enter Class Code

We now have a short form to fill out to establish our class. We're going to start with the Class Code. AnThis easyis waywhat the system will use when auto-generating SKUs. It is helpful to dochoose thissomething short, but also that makes sense to you. For example, if your Driver Classification is "Test and Tune", make your code "TNT". Or if your Driver Classification is "Super Pro", make your code "SPRPRO".

The key here is to thinkkeep alongit theshort linesbut ofclear. howCodes yourcan drivernot iscontain going to denote their class on the side of the car. Think ST6, STX,spaces or PRO.special characters. Codes must be unique and can not be repeated. Codes can not be changed later.


Step 6 - Enter Class Name

Here's where you'll enter the full name of the class.class Street- Touring L, Classic American Muscle,the Sportsman, LatePro, Model,Super Pro, Junior Dragster, etc.


Step 7 - Display Order

For Display Order, we'll just enter the number 1.


Step 8 - Active & Default

IMPORTANT: checkboxThis box must be checked in order for Activethis isDriver fairly important. If you want thisClassification to be aadded selectableto class for your events, you'll want this box If the class gets dissolved, you may come back and uncheck that box later.


One moreDriver oftenClassification than not will notmust be selected.checked Thisas willDefault. makeJust thatcheck classthis box for the defaultfirst selected class for when drivers are registering. They'll still have the option of selecting another class. Ifone you have a class for Test & Tune and you only use that class for Test & Tune nights, then maybe making it a default in that situation would be one case for checking this box.create.


Step 9 - Click Save Changes

Once your form is filled out the way you want it, click on Save Changes to add the class to your available classes.


Step 10 - Completion & Editing an Established Class

Once you save your changes, you'll be taken back to the Driver Classifications list. You should now see your class listed. If you don't see it right away, verify it isn'tmay be listed on another (use the page links towards the bottom to navigate).


If you need to go back and edit a class you've previously established, you can just click on the ClassDriver Name,Classification name, and it will return you to the same form you first filled out to establish the class where you can make your changes.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT change the Driver Classification code if you have created events and sold tickets with this Driver Classification!
