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Register Group

A Register Group will contain a single or multiple virtual Registers that Point-Of-Sale operators will log in tointo to ring up transactions and accept pre-sold tickets. It's best to think of this in a hierarchical manner where the individual Registers are part of a single Register Group, which in turn report back to your instance of Trackside. Register Groups can be configured to contain different Products from one another (so you're not scrolling through hot dogs and soft drinks looking for Participant Registration Products at the front gate), as well as differences in how they handle processing sold tickets (See Important Note Regarding Auto Scan). In


For fullymore deployedinformation, instancesee ofUnderstanding Trackside, you may eventually utilize the platform to have separate groups for the front gate, main office, concessions,Registers and proRegister shop for instance, each group capable of having multiple Registers available for workers on Points-Of-SaleGroups.


The Register Groups screen, where Register Groups are created and managed from


The Start Till screen in the Point-Of-Sale, where you will select your Register Group and Register to ring transactions