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Product Sales

Below you will find information relating to the filters and column data found in the Product Sales Report and will provide a basic understanding of how it works and where the data is drawn from.


Product Type

The product type filter will allow you to refine the returned sales records by what category they fall into. There are around 10 options available with some of the most used and common ones being General Ticket, Participant Registration and Merchandise.

Start Date

A selection made in the start date filter will return all products relating to orders completed on or after the specified start date.

End Date

A selection made in the end date filter will return all products relating to orders completed on or before the specified end date.


Product Type Category / Product Name / Product Variation

This column displays a list of product variations that are grouped under their respective products and which represents the amount of each variation sold for a specified period.


The quantity column displays the amount of tickets sold per product for a specified period.

Average Price

The average price column displays the average unit price for each product variation that was sold and is determined by dividing the total face value by the total number of tickets sold.

Face Value

The face value column displays the sum of the unit prices of all variations sold for a given product and the individual unit prices for each variation when expanding the products in the left-most product column.


The promotions column displays any recorded coupon value used against an order where the current product or product variation was found.

Gift Cards

The gift cards column displays any recorded gift card value used against an order where the current product or product variation was found.

Net Revenue

The net revenue column displays the total amount paid in both cash and credit for orders where the current product and product variations are viewed.


The refunds column displays the total amount of refunds recorded against orders where the currently viewed products and product variations were found. Refunds can either be partial or full.