Tickets Sold Per Event
Below you will find information relating to the filters and column data found in the tickets sold by event report and will provide a basic understanding of how it works and where the data is drawn from.
From Date
The from date filter will allow you to specify the start date for all events that start on or after the specified date.
To Date
The to date filter will allow you to specify the end date for all events that end on or before the specified date.
Event Date
The event date column displays the date of a particular event returned that is within the range as specified between the from and to date filters.
Event/Ticket Type
The event/ticket type column displays the event title and whether it is a spectator or participant ticket type. The ticket type may differ from event to event if custom terminologies were used to represent participants and spectators.
Total Sold
The total sold column displays the total number of tickets sold for a particular event and ticket type.
Total Unsold
The total unsold column displays the amount of tickets that have not yet been, or were never, sold for a particular event and ticket type. This is calculated by subtracting the total sold number from the maximum capacity or ticket limit that was specified at the time the event was created.
Max Capacity
The max capacity column displays the maximum number of tickets that are specified for a given event and ticket type.
Percent Sold
The percent sold column displays the total percentage of tickets sold against the maximum capacity of the event.