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Product Options

Products Product Setup Assistant

Continuing from Base Product, this article focuses on continuing to use the Product Setup Assista...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

Main Menu


The Main Menu is found at the top of your Trackside site, above any page content, and to the left...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

Participant Registration Product Page


This is what your participants or racers will see when signing up to participate in one of your e...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin



Options are going to be different choices customers will have when selecting one of your products...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

Management Menu


The Management Menu is shown toward the top of the screen for logged in users who you have grante...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

General Admission Ticket Product Page


This is the page your non-participants will land on when they click on buying spectator tickets f...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

View a Published Event Listing

Editing Events & Pricing Edit an Event Listing

There are a couple ways to view a published Event Listing. Easy Method - Events Page The easies...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

View an Unpublished Event Listing

Editing Events & Pricing Edit an Event Listing

Where is my Event? If you'd like to return to an unpublished Event Listing, you won't be able to...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin


Event Setup Prerequisites

During onboarding, we set these up for you. If you are a track facility, you will not need to...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

Driver Classifications

Event Setup Prerequisites

Every event is going to have different classes for drivers to participate in. In this article, we...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

Event Setup Assistant


You'll use the Event Setup Assistant primarily to generate Event Listings. When applicable, these...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

Footer Menu


The Footer Menu is the menu at the bottom of the page between sponsors and your social media link...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

Front Page


This is the page that users will land on on your site if they just enter the domain of your Track...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

Events Page


This is the default landing page for your Trackside site, and where visitors will see your publis...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

Domain (URL)


When you sign up for a website, it doesn't matter if it's with Trackside or your own site, you ha...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

Breadcrumb Menu


A Breadcrumb Menu is simply a menu that shows past navigation points to get to where you're at, t...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

Content Page


The Content Page is your main listing for all of the content pages for your Trackside site. These...

Updated 1 year ago by Trackside Admin

I Can't Find My Event Listing

Event Setup Troubleshooting

If you can't find your Event Listing from the Events Page, there's a decent chance it's just unli...

Updated 1 year ago by Justin

How do I view my orders?

Account Features

See your order history under My Account. All orders on your account will show under the Orders ta...

Updated 1 year ago by Trackside Admin

Managing payment methods; is my credit card information secure?

Account Features

Add a payment method at check-out or in “My Account” under “Payment methods” add, update, or remo...

Updated 1 year ago by Trackside Admin